Did you understand me, if I say that this school year was quickly over? I don't know, but I think I've lost my sense for time and space, 'cause I remember that it was winter and now it's the last week in school...It's crazy how fast times passes by. Of course there are on one hand moments, which were (too!!!) fast over, like being with my boyfriend.
Why, why can’t this moment last forevermore? Don’t go, in every breath I take, I’m breathing you! But on the other hand there were moments, were you've thought: Go! Go! Go! Why did all this is so slowly? Like e.g., in math. The same thing with space. I was 6 months ago in France and now I'm in Germany. It's a really wierd feeling, when I remember all those memorize. But the best example is my age. When I was 8 years old, I couln't imagne, how it would be with 15. And so what? It's not that different. I've thought, that you're with 15 like an adult and very mature. But you're still a child! You don't understand yourself and you're trying to find yourself in book or in other idols. Your feelings are strange, 'cause there change quite often. You get fast angry or sad. For me time and space is a thing, that I'll never understand.
"Forever, ’till the end of timeFrom now on, only you and I"
That a powerfull word, but nobody can imagnie how long "forever" is actually. And an other question, which I personally don't want to think about: When did the time end?
"We are here, we’re all alone in our own Universe,
We are free, where everything’s allowed and love comes first,
Forever and ever together, we sail into infinity,
We’re higher and higher and higher, we’re reaching for divinity."
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