expr:class='"loading" + data:blog.mobileClass'>
- Everyone: If you keep listening to your music so loudly you'll be deaf by the time you're 20
- Me: What?
- me: will u grow
- hair: no
- legs: no
- boobs: no
- mind: no
- nails: no
- stomach: okay
- thighs: sure thang
Ich esse, schon bevor ich Hunger habe. Ich bin eine Nikon 1. Ne Spaß ich bin einfach nur fett.
Früher: Schneewittchen und die 7 Zwerge.
Heute: Der Bachelor und die 20 Bitches.
Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: I'm late?
Teacher: You just missed an entire period..
Student: Are you telling me I'm pregnant?
- Mum: Can I borrow your laptop?
- Me: *Deletes History*
- Me: *Logs out of facebook*
- Me: *Double checks deleted history*
- Me: *Close Chrome*
- Me: *Open Internet Explorer*
- Me: Sure
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